The Sites and Blogs I Read

The Big Three:

Breitbart - This is a great site, updated constantly. I read at least two or three articles each time I visit. They also have video. Check out BigHollywood, BigGovernment and BigJournalism.

Drudge - The standard (though now surpassed by Breitbart). Updated often, except on weekends.

FARK - Just a funny take on the newsblog, but you'll find some frightening articles that you will not find anywhere.

Second Tier:

The Driskells - I'd be remiss if I didn't put my wife's blog here.

LittleGreenFootballs - To balance out the fact that the rest of the blogs I read are conservative. This one leans much more to the left.

Politico - I rarely read any of their posts because I have already found them elsewhere, but still a very good political newsblog.

So what newsblogs do you read frequently?
